Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 001

I should start by saying that I'm not actually in a prison. For reasons that will be explained in excruciating, redundant detail over the course of this blog, I am stuck in a very small town away from nearly everything I love, want, and admire. The quickest I can get out of here is a year from now. I am counting down the days until August 4th, 2011. I've already been here about two months and since then my demeanor has drastically changed for the worse. I am constantly in a state of restlessness, anger, sadness, irritation, or a combination thereof. It's a pretty shitty way to be all the time, and that's why I've started this blog. Hopefully, getting some of it out will alleviate the pressure of not having the life I want. Be prepared for whining, about this topic and others. Expect indignation, soap box and all. The complaints will be endless, the hope will be nearly unidentifiable.

I am nine days away from turning 25. Thus far, I haven't accomplished anything in life. I'll try my best to change that in the next 25 years. I am neurotic and ridden with anxiety. I have 99 problems, and while a bitch ain't one, there are still those 99 problems. With any luck, I will pare the list down a bit during the next year. I have a significant other, but he lives far away with his productive life. I have a family, but the members geographically close to me are absolute nutters, and the members farthest away are the ones I wish on a daily basis were living with me. I live with my dad, whom I love dearly, and is my only solace here in prison.

I attend a community college, and will be fearfully applying to a university sometime in the next couple months for the autumn of 2011. My expectations are very low.

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