Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 003

I took the final for my math class last night. I think I did moderately well, but I hope I did well enough to garner a B in the class overall. I don't know what hallucinogenic substance I was on, thinking I would get all As always. I suppose it's from the lifelong expectation for me to excel in academics from my family. I've trampled all over my pretty grades for at least a decade now, though, and they still expect a gleaming 4.0. Ah, well. It's biting me in the ass now that I want to go to a real university. The only school I've even considered applying to is UC Berkeley. I don't want to be in shithole Southern California, and none of the other UCs up north are appealing. R has been bugging me to widen my options and consider other schools, particularly some in the north east. A perfect example of the bewildering expectations everyone has of me. I am of average intelligence, I think, and with the sullied state of aforementioned grades, my chances of getting into an Ivy League institution are basically nil. I try to explain to R and others that this confidence in me is grossly misplaced, but they all just shrug me off. Anyway, I decided I'd apply to Trinity College of Dublin (yes in Ireland, someone asked me earlier which Dublin I meant, for christ's sake) and Lund University in Sweden. I doubt I'll get into either of those schools, either, but I figure I might as well try to keep the masses off my back. I sent some emails earlier and I think the time for applications starts about a month or so from now. I have no idea how to apply to a school, so we'll see how that goes.

I started reading a Nora Roberts novel this evening. I wanted to read fluff that made me giddy and at first picked a fantasy novel written for teen girls, but it turns out it was in Spanish. My Spanish reading comprehension is unfortunately not up to snuff for that, so I had to find something else. Romantic Irish fantasy it was. Surprisingly, I'm enjoying it. I picture Matthew Goode in Leap Year as the male lead, and that's certainly fine with me. Smokin' hot, I tell you. And yes, I like Leap Year. Mostly because of Matthew Goode, though, and a few of the really beautiful landscape shots. Anyway, it bothered me that I was unable to read a light novel aimed at teenagers in Spanish, so I found the Harry Potter books in Spanish and have them all prepped for me after I finish Jewels of the Sun. I've already read them in English and the comprehension level progresses with each book, so I think they'll be decent choices in an attempt to get my reading abilities up to scratch. What use am I only being able to read one language?

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